Adhering to building regulations is a legal requirement in the UK and Ireland. Construction in the UK is governed by both the Building Act and the Building Safety Act, whereas the Republic of Ireland is overseen by the Building Control Act. Both sets of legislature are made up of various regulations. In the UK, the regulations differ from country to country.
Below you can find a list of fire safety regulations for the UK and Ireland.
Approved Document B
The Approved Document B is split into two sections. Volume 1 covers houses, known as dwellings. Volume 2 covers buildings other than dwellings.
Technical Handbooks
The Technical Handbooks explain how to comply with the regulations laid out in the Building (Scotland) Regulations. It is also split into two sections.
Approved Document B
As with England, Welsh fire safety regulations are laid out in the Approved Document B. It covers aspects such as limiting fire spread and means of escape.
Northern Ireland
Technical Booklet E
The Technical Booklet E offers guidance on meeting The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland). It should be read in conjunction with the Amendments Booklet.
Republic of Ireland
Technical Guidance Document B
Published in two sections, the first section covers all buildings other than dwelling houses. The second section covers dwelling houses.